Preservation is a spec that relies pretty strongly on the interaction between it's spells to get the most out of them, which means its pretty important to be aware of all the ways the spells buff or improve each other.


echo is the most important part of the spec and plays a major role in how abilities interact with each other. The best way to think about echo is that it behaves as a different cast of the spell it is echoing, so effects that always apply to the spell also benefit the echoed version but effects that only benefit your next cast of a spell will not work on echoed casts.

A natural cast of echo repeats the original spell at 70% strength, this is increased by timelord to 105%. echoes applied by reso repeat casts at 30% strength and get increased to 45% by timelord.

This is a basic list of all the spells echo interacts with and how it behaves:

  • lf: Casting lf on an ally while echo is active on a friendly target will send an extra lf to eachecho. If the target of the original living flame has an echo then they will be hit by 2 lfs. Each extra lf has it's own chance to proc burst. If coy or lifespark are active when casting the original lf, the main cast will be buffed by them but anyechoed lfs will not.

    If playing Chronowarden, chronof also hits everyone that gets an echoed lf. The main cast of chronof generates a tc stack but echoed hits won't.

  • ve: ve will only make you dash to the main target, echoed ve's will heal the targets with echo but won't make you move to them. All allies healed by both the original cast and echoed versions of ve are affected by lb.
  • rev: rev will apply a second, different version of itself to all targets that have echo when it is cast. This second rev is a different buff from the manually casted rev, meaning both can be present at the same time on the same target. Casting rev will apply gh on the original target and everyone who gets an echoed rev as well, scaled to the strength of the echo that applied the rev.

    Having two different rev buffs on the same person also means you get double the effect of gp, making it a total of 21% healing increase on said target.

  • db: When casting db, every ally with echo will receive a copy of both the initial heal and the over time effects at the same rank as the original cast. Like with rev, echoed db is a different buff than the regular cast, which means you can have both heals over time active on the same person at the same time. If you have coy active at the time of cast, the cast will consume the buff but only the original cast of db will be buffed by it, theechoed dbs will not be buffed by coy. Similarly, the increase from the s14p won't transfer to echoed versions of db
  • sb: It will hit every echoed ally with a single bolt of sb regardless of the empower rank of the original cast. Despite the sb tooltip mentioning that it "splits" to injured allies, the healing of sb is not reduced by the amount of targets it hits, a rank 1 sb will hit 1 person for the full amount, and a rank 3 one will hit 3 different people for the full amount each. Similar to the other spells the same person can be healed by both the original bolt of the sb cast as well as a duplicated version of the spell from echo. echoed sbs won't benefit from the s14p and for Chronowarden's echoed hits of sb also do apply reverb
  • blossom: When an blossom pops while echoes are active, each friendly target with an echo will be healed by the amount blossom does to each singular target. The echoed heal amount is increased by any ouro stacks you might have at the time of the cast.
  • engulf: The healing of an echoed engulf is not increased by heal over time effects on the original target but it is increased by these effects on the echo target. consume and travflame are not echoed.

To note, rescue, caut and nat do not interact with echo in any way.


Baseline ta is a fairly straightforward spell, it sends an orb that travels forwards from your location putting a shield on every allied player it hits, the size of the shield gets reduced beyond the first five targets. ta gets augmented by the choice node talent where you pick between reso and noz

  • If you are playing reso, as ta travels it will apply echo to the first 5 targets it hits, this echo replicates at 30% strength normally and gets increased by timelord to 45%. ta won't overwrite manually casted echoes and will just pass over people that have stronger echoes and apply it's effect to other players instead.
  • If you have noz, ta will instead reduce the current cooldown of all empower spells by 5 seconds, these being sb, db, and fb. If you put a noz ta inside your stasis, releasing your stasis will reduce the cooldowns of the empowers when the TA comes out, if you put several tas into your stasis, each one will reduce the cooldowns by 5 seconds.


stasis also comes with its own set of complex interactions. Like with echo a good way to think of stasis is that it casts the spell again, it doesn't "store" the spell cast because it doesn't save some external bonuses the original spell might have had when you originally casted it, and the release is a fresh cast of the spell with whatever bonuses you have at the time of the release. The spells released from stasis don't come out all together, there is a small delay between each spell.

This are the stasis interactions with most of our spells:

  • sb will cast again at the same rank and on the same target of the original cast, while the extra bolts from higher ranks will pick new targets depending on lowest HP of nearby allies at the time of the release.
  • db will cast at the same rank as the original one in a cone in front of you, if you have the coy buff at the time you release stasis, (say, you pressed ve before releasing your stasis) then db will consume the buff to increase it's healing, it does not matter if you had the buff when you originally casted the spell to put it in stasis or not. If you include ve and then db inside your stasis, then at the moment of release ve will give you the coy buff, which will then be consumed by the db your stasis releases. ve is somewhat low value compared to other spells you could put into your stasis so ideally you shouldn't do this and should just ve again before releasing stasis.
  • For ta, any TA inside your stasis will be sent in the direction you're looking at at the time of release, because stasis doesn't release all the spells at the same time and there is a small delay between them, if you have multiple ta's inside stasis you can send them in different directions by turning your camera during the release.
  • Any blossom's stored inside stasis will release aimed at the same player as they were on the original cast, it will heal players around them and the seedlings will choose new targets, any ouro stacks that you might have at the time of the original cast won't affect the blossom that is released later.
  • lf, echo and rev work like you would expect, they cast again in the same target as originally casted on, rev will proc proc gh and both have another chance to proc burst. These are really low value spells by themselves and shouldn't be put into your stasis.
  • engulf will heal the same targeted player again, increased by any heal over time effects on that target at the moment of the release. engulfs from stasis cause their own travflame and consume.
  • caut and nat have a special type of interaction with stasis When you use a dispell on someone that doesn't have a valid debuff to dispell, the dispell doesn't go on cooldown, but it's still saved inside the stasis. This means you can activate stasis and then use caut on 3 different players, it will have no cooldown because you're not actually dispelling anything, and then some seconds after once the targets are actually affected by a debuff you release stasis and send a caut into every one of them, dispelling 3 people at once. This trick is not that useful for nat as it has a short cd but its really powerful when you need to dispell bleeds with caut.

The most common stasis combos you will use are:

  • vestasistadbsb
    The most basic combo, you simply put all 3 of your strongest spell into the stasis so that it pumps the highest amount of healing when releasing. We ve before activating the stasis so our db is buffed by coy and we should ve again before releasing the stasis to buff the one inside it. You can swap the order of the db and sb depending on if you need more burst healing or overtime healing.
  • stasistaechota
    This is a little more complex, and includes one echo which goes again the general recommendations for stasis. This is the lb ramp stasis, and it's used to get echo spread to the whole raid. The first ta you release echoes 5 people, you then manually echo 1 person, the 2nd ta then echoes another 5 people (11 in total now) and fills your stasis, we then instantly release the stasis which sends 2 more ta's into the raid, echoing 5 people each for a total of 21 echoes now.

    The reason you have to put a manual echo in between the tas, is because any other cast would consume all the echoes you have already up and wouldn't let you stack a high amount of them. We also don't do 3 tas inside our stasis cause that would mean standing around for ~30 seconds without doing any healing, which isn't really viable.
  • vestasissbdbta
    This is also a ramp stasis, but is one that doesn't require you to stand around doing no healing for ~12 seconds and also packs a good punch of healing being a combination of the previous ones. You do a healing stasis like normal but put the ta at the end, with the idea being once ta is back off cd you can release the stasis and then cast ta to instantly have 10 echoes spread around your raid, after which you can do ~5 more with manual echo and have coverage of around 15 raid members.
  • dbengulfengulf
    A Flameshaper stasis, you simply store your two engulfs in order to release them again for a potential four consumes in a very short window. Do note that the target you cast the engulfs on has to have db both while you are storing them inside stasis and also when you release the stasis in order to cause the consumes. You should always target someone that has a db properly buffed by coy and s14p.

    It is very important to note that you can't control who your dbs target: they will pick five random injured players inside the cone. While storing the stasis this doesn't matter much as you can just target someone who got hit by it, but when releasing the engulfs will land on that same person so you need to make sure they have a proper db on them. The easiest way to do this is simply to release the stasis on the following 20 seconds after storing it. Because of travflame extending the db it will last a total of 24 seconds, giving you ample time to catch that same db buff again when releasing.

    On the very specific situation of needing to release the stasis after the original db expires, the only way to guarantee your engulfs cause consume is to cast them on yourself and then intentionally aim towards nothing so the db lands on you. This isn't the recommended way to do it and unless you are really sure of what you are doing and have correctly identified this timing you should not be doing this, as you are losing a good amount of healing from missing db targets.


The first and most important thing to know about rev is that it is actually two different heals over time. rev and it's echo version both can exist on the same player on the same time and each brings it's own set of effects with it

For gh, rev itself will heal via gh and theechoed version will also apply gh healing scaled to the strength of the echo it was used to apply it. A weaker echo from ta would mean less gh healing from the echoed version of rev

gp on the other hand is not scaled to echo strength, and having two revs on the same target means double the gp effect on that player (multiplicative between each other) regardless of if it was applied with a natural echo or a reso echo.

rev also has a chance to proc burst on cast. This means when you use the spell it has a chance to grant you burst once for the natural cast and then once more for each echo active at the time. Similar to how lf behaves when echoed

One interaction that gh specifically has with stagger-like effects like td and Brewmaster monk's stagger is that gh considers damage taken as the whole of the damage instance before it is reduced by stagger, but also takes into account the damage taken from the stagger itself. This means that a a lot of damage taken into stagger will make gh heal for way more than what it seems like it should. In practice this means that rev is a good way to heal people after you td them to protect them from a big hit and also we are incredibly good at healing Brewmaster.


Every time you cast ve on someone your target and all allied targets affected by echo will have lb applied to them for 5 seconds. Lifebind binds the affected players to you, any healing done by you, to you will also heal all the affected players. This also works the other way around in that heals by you to affected players will heal you. Note that lb works between you and the affected players, it doesn't work between the affected players, healing someone that has lb on them won't do anything to other players that have lifebind, only to you.

If you want a more graphic explanation for this, you can check the How to Lifebind article

If you want to heal a large amount of people with lifebind, you apply the buff and then do as much healing as you can to yourself, this is usually done with ec or sb.

A few things to note about lb:

  • lb by default transfers 40% of the healing done, if you apply it byechoing a ve, then the strength of the echo affects the strength of the lifebind. A defaultecho with no talents its 70%, and so if you echo a ve without any modifiers lb would transfer (40 * 0.7) 28% of the healing received. With timelord talented the strength of your naturally castedechoes goes up to 105%, which means lb transfers (40 * 1.05) 42% of the healing. If you apply resoechoes while also having Timelord theseechoes will have 45% strength, and so lifebinding with them would transfer (40 * 0.45) 18% of the healing done. In a raid setting lbing with resoechoes it's necessary because its not possible to get enough coverage with just castedechoes, in keys you most of the time want to cover the group with manually castedechoes before lbing. Do note that you really only need 3echoes to get a 5 man lb because you don't need one on yourself and your main ve target also gets lb.
  • While playing Chronowarden, go can make your echoes stronger. A 210% echo caused by go would transfer lb at (40 * 2.1) 84% rate.
  • lb transfers all healing done by you to you, the two most notable non-intuitive scenarios in which this applies is first that using healing potions or items transfer via lb, and you share a percentage of the healing done by the potion or item to everyone lifebound. The second is that any external effect that increases the healing done or received by you would in turn increase the healing transferred via lb. If you get 47788 during your lb window and press ec the healing ec would normally do is increased by 60% and thus the healing transferred is also increased by the same amount.
  • Healing done by rb also transfers via lb. This isn't unexpected as the spell it's simply healing you but it's worth mentioning cause some people overlook it, and it's specially powerful considering that the amount of healing rb does is only limited by how much damage you can take while it's up without dying. If you manage to take an absurd amount of damage with rb and lb active without dying, then rb would heal up a big chunk of all that damage and lb would transfer all that healing to everyone else. This means that in theory you can stand in lava to heal the raid, but it doesn't mean that you should do it.

One relevant thing to remember for lb is that db is not a good spell to lb. db does it's healing over a long period of time and on several different players, while lb requires high single target healing on the five seconds window it lasts. Again healing done to other people only heals you, to do party healing with lb you need fast and high healing on yourself and db does not do that.


ton will spawn a clone of you when any nearby ally drops below 30% health, the clone will first cast one ve and then as many lfs as it can during the next 8 seconds on that same target. Some of your stats, talents and buffs will improve the healing ton does, here is a comprehensive list:

ton benefits from:

  • Versatility
  • Critical Strike
  • Haste
  • Any active trinket or external source of stats
  • enkindled
  • lfm
  • coy (Increases the lf healing but it doesn't consume the buff)
  • flow
  • exhil
  • rov (ec gives you more HP, so ton gets more from lfm)
  • rescue (you can rescue your clone)
  • lifespark (Increases the lf healing but will not make them instant nor consume the buff)

ton does not benefit from:

To note, ton also has a ~100% power increase to all spells it casts compared to your own.


  • ton benefits from lifespark. Having the buff up while our ton clone is casting lfs will increase their healing without consuming the buff.
  • Consuming leaping while having a lifespark charge will no increase all the damage and healing those lfs do. Only the main cast will be buffed by lifespark.
  • coy and lifespark stack. Having both buffs up when casting a lf will increase its healing multiplicatively.
  • lifespark does not echo. Healing someone with an echoed lf buffed by lifespark will only hit them with a normal, unbuffed lf.


echoes casted with bursts will have their initial heal increased by 25%, and also transfer 25% more when they are consumed (88% power without timelord and 131% with it), and blossoms casted with bursts will heal for 25% more.

Having burst up when you cast ta will increase the strength of the echoes applied by reso. From 45% to 56% while talented into timelord.


Despite it's tooltip, ec will actually heal you for 120% of your HP baseline, as it ticks once right at the start of the cast, once right at the end and four times in between, for a total of six ticks of 20% HP each.

This amount is further increased by talents like lushg and healing-taken increasing effects like gp.

The cast time it's a baseline of five seconds (one second between each tick) reduced by haste. Which is an important thing to consider when lbing ec as with low haste not all ticks of it will fit into the lb window.


Every point in flow gives you:

  • 5% faster cooldown recovery rate
  • 5% movement speed
  • 5% increased cast speed
  • 5% increased essence regeneration rate

What it doesn't give you:

  • 5% faster progression of buffs/debuffs on you
  • haste effects on dots/hots
  • faster rppm proc rates


When you cast ve, you will get two different buffs, coy and lb. coy enhances your next lf by 100% or your next db by 40%. We don't use lf for healing very often but db is a very powerful button so it's very important that you always ve before you cast db. ve has a 18 seconds hasted cooldown, and db cooldowns in 30 seconds, so while you will generally be able to cast an extra ve between dbs, you want to be aware of the current db cooldown and hold ve if needed to get coy. The effects of coy aren't transferred to echoed versions of the buffed spell.

lb has it's own set of interactions that i will go into more detail below but the main thing that is important to know is that lb is a heal-transfer mechanic that is very strong and allows us to abuse it in several different ways to do an enormous amount of healing. Do note that lb applies when you land on your ve target, not when you start the cast.

Casting ve will also make you dash to your target in a straight line, animation locking you. You will be affected by any ground mechanic that is active in between your starting position and the target you fly towards, but you can always cast ve on yourself to avoid the forced movement.

A very important thing for playing Preservation to it's max potential is understanding that ve is a very versatile tool that is our coy activator, our lb applicator, a momentum-cancelling movement ability and also a decent single target heal, and juggling its cooldown so you always have it up for all of these scenarios when you need them takes a lot of practice.


On cast blossom will appear on the ground below the targeted ally and will burst after 1.5 seconds, healing five injured friendly targets inside it's aoe. Each blossom will spawn two seedling, these seedling also have a 30% chance of becoming a full blossom via fod, however do note that fod it's a 30% chance per blossom cast of getting a proc, not 30% for each seedling.

blossoms stored inside stasis will cast on the same target as the original cast when released, and consume the ouro stacks you have at the moment of release. The healing increase from ouro is transferred via echo.

For Flameshaper, any target healed by blossom will also be healed by enkindle for 20% of the total amount.

Another effect heavily tied to blossom is cycle. Every three blossom (counting the extras generated by fod) will spawn a cycle that stores a percentage of your healing and releases it on the group once it expires. Multiple cycles can be active at the same time and the healing done by one of them can be stored by any other active at the time, leading to your earlier cycles feeding the later ones.

One special interaction cycle has with you is that if you happen to receive damage that would be lethal and there are currently active cycles, these will instantly expire and do their healing in an attempt to save you. If the healing stored is enough you might not die from it, otherwise they will simply expire along with you.


Casting fb will give you the leaping buff, which will make your next lf spawn additional lf depending on the rank of the Firebreath, each rank adds 1 additional lf. With font the maximum amount of extra lf Leaping can give is 4, this means that casting lf will hit 5 targets, 1 for the original cast and 4 extras from leaping.

If the lf that consumes the buff is an offensive one, then the extra lf will try to hit unique enemy targets, if you have more extra lf than there are enemies available then the lfs will heal nearby allies. In a single target scenario this means that casting lf with leaping on the one enemy you are fighting will hit that enemy with 1 lf and 4 nearby allies with healing lfs. This healing lfs will not consume any echoes you might have out at the time and they also won't consume coy, nor will they benefit from it.

If you cast lf on an ally while leaping is up, then the extra lfs will aim towards nearby allies. The extra lfs will not benefit from coy and the buff will be consumed.

lifespark does not interact with leaping. Consuming both buffs together will result on the hard-casted lf being buffed by lifespark and the extra ones being normal lfs.


By default hover has a 35 seconds cooldown, this is reduced to 30 by botb and when playing Chronowarden further reduced to 26s with warp.

hover sends you dashing in the direction you are currently moving and then applies an 6 second buff that lets you cast non-empowered spells while moving. If you are not moving in any direction at the moment you cast it you won't dash and instead you will simply instantly get the buff.

The hero talents alter the way hover works:

  • Flameshapers can get trailb which makes hover travel 40% quicker and 40% further
  • Chronowardens can get warp which turns hover into a blink. This is further enhanced by temporality turning warp into a damage reduction. This dr starts at 20% and gets reduced every 0.3 by 2%, lasting a total of 3 seconds

botb and ts

botb will reduce the cooldown of a movement ability by 5 seconds, while ts will give everyone a 10 seconds buff that gives one extra charge of their movement spell. These are the spells both buffs benefit for each class:


spatial can only be cast on friendly healers and will give you and your target a 10 seconds buff that doubles the range of all your spells. If you use it without a healer targeted it will automatically pick the nearest one.

All the targetable spells except rescue 60 yards of range, and all the frontal cone spells also get their radius doubled. ta doesn't travel twice as far however.


For Chronowardens, chronof will 'replace' lf on your spell book. The way this works in practice is:

  1. You cast chronof on a target, enemy or ally
  2. They first get hit by a normal lf, increased by any bonuses like enkindled and lfm
  3. Right after, they get hit by chronof itself, doing 15% of any healing or damage you have done to that same target on the last five seconds, with a cap of 2.5 times your spell power increased by versatility.

And a couple of things to know about this spell:

  • Any echoed chronof will also behave in this same way.
  • chronofs generated by afterimg also cast a full lf + chronof.
  • The cap is per target, and it's very easily reached when talented into lfm, not really worth tracking or worrying about it.
  • chronof turns lf into a bronze spell, and now every hard cast generates a stack of tc. echoed chronof and the ones from afterimg don't generate more stacks.


afterimg produces three full power chronofs on each empower cast. These chronof land on three targets that where hit by the empower spell that spawned them: sb and db would send them on allies and fb on enemies.

The amount of chronofs caused depends on the amount of targets hit, not the empower level. A rank one db or fb will still spawn 3 chronofs if it hits three targets, while sb requires either a higher rank or echos to hit three targets.

chronofs generated by afterimg benefit from static effects like enkindled and lfm, but do not benefit from dynamic buffs like coy or lifespark. Each chronof also has its own chance to generate a burst.


Here is a list of things that activate tconverg:

And these are the cooldowns that are longer than 45s but do not proc it:

engulf and consume

For Flameshapers, most of the tree revolves around your new spell engulf. engulf is a big single target heal that gets increased by healing over time effects on the target applied by you, and also causes consume when used on a target with an active db.

You can use the following spells to increase engulf's single target healing:

As for consume, take note that it doesn't care about the healing your engulf does and so stacking healing over time effects for a bigger engulf will not increase your consume healing at all. Instead to boost your consume you need to increase the power of the db you are consuming.

You can accomplish this by stacking these effects:

consume will always prefer the strongest db currently active on the engulf target. The strength of an echoed db can also be increased with titansgift but because coy and s14p don't transfer via echo a fully stacked base db will always be stronger than an echoed one.

Do note that echoing engulf will replicate the single target healing but will not proc travflame nor consume

Abbreviations and IDs

Spell Acronym IDs
rev Rev buff: 366155
echo: 367364
blossom blossom / EB
burst burst buff: 369299
ve VE
db DB buff: 355941
echo: 376788
lb LB buff: 373267
sb SB
ec EC buff: 370960
df DF
coy CoY buff: 373835
cycle cycle, CoL
tts TTS buff: 370553
tc TC buff: 362977
td TD buff: 357170
ta TA buff: 373862
spark Spark
ton ToN
lf LF
leaping Leaping buff: 370901
fb FB
lgf LGF
lfm LFM
rb RB buff: 374348
as AS
disint Dis / Disint
source Source
scales OS / Scales buff: 363916


This is our current aura:


  • 2024/09/24
  • 2024/09/02
  • 2024/08/19
    • Added flow section
  • 2024/08/15
    • Updated consume to reflect db selection behavior
    • Reformatted sections with separators and headers according to their type
  • 2024/07/13
  • 2024/07/13:
  • 2024/06/29:
    • Added abbreviations table
  • 2024/06/28:
  • 2024/04/04:
  • 2024/01/15:
    • Added rev section
    • Fixed some wording around the sb echo parts to remove specific numbers
  • 2024/01/07:
    • Fixed ve CD
    • Added mention of coy not echoing to the ve section
    • Moved the ta section to be right afterecho
    • Changed interaction between leaping and coy